5 research outputs found

    Society, History and Education: dialogues from a disciplinary perspective

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    We are pleased to present to the entire academic community and the general public the following work, which contains recent research results of a group of teachers from the Faculty of Educational Sciences in areas such as pedagogy, communication, technology and history. This publication is the result of the work coordinated by the Vice Rector's Office for Research, Innovation and Extension of the UTP, with the support of the Faculty of Education Sciences, through the realization of the First Conference on Social Appropriation of Knowledge held in 2022, in order to reach a wider field of dissemination of local research. In the first chapter "Sentiment analysis on Twitter about mobile learning" by professors Rosa María Guilleumas García and Hernán Gil Ramírez, a study of tweets about mobile learning is presented. To do so, the authors combined several techniques of social network analysis, text mining and sentiment analysis, using NodeXL software, specialized in network examination and visualization. Among their results, they highlight the great predominance of positive tweets over negative ones in this field of study, and at the same time point out that, in the analyzed tweets, the most used words were learning, mobile, app, machine, mlearning and education. In second place, there is the chapter "The institutional educational project. An opportunity for reflection and transformation of the Colombian university" by teachers Martha Cecilia Gutiérrez Giraldo and Carolina Franco Ossa, which arises from the reflection on university autonomy and its internal exercise in the construction of its Institutional Educational Projects (PEI). Thus, the main purpose of this work is to identify the relevant facts that have marked the academic life of the UTP since its creation in 1958 until 2015, in which the different strata of the university community (teachers, students, administrators, managers, graduates and the social sector) participated through a participatory action research process. The results show that since its creation, the University has updated its academic and management policies in accordance with the regulations in force in each period, and that, at the same time, as mentioned by the authors, the institutional processes of self-reflection and projection of the academic life of the UTP should be strengthened through the culture of academic and democratic participation, supported by the collaborative work of the university communityCONTENT Presentation...................................................................................................................5 CHAPTER ONE Twitter sentiment analysis on mobile learning ...............................................................9 Rosa María Guilleumas García y Hernán Gil Ramírez CHAPTER TWO The institutional educational project. an opportunity for reflection and transformation of the Colombian university.................................................................37 Martha Cecilia Gutiérrez Giraldo y Carolina Franco Ossa CHAPTER THREE The Ridway´s photographies: typologies of portraiture in Pereira, Colombia .............59 Johana Guarín Medina CHAPTER FOUR Information society. Political disputes and disciplinary openings................................91 Andrés Camilo Agudelo Vergara CHAPTER FIVE State and internal borders in the 19th century: the Quindío mountain in central western Colombia .......................................................................1

    Concurso de cuento científico ¡Imagino la ciencia y te la cuento!

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    Este libro es una muestra del desarrollo del “Evento de Divulgación Tecnológica” EDT, denominado 2° Concurso de Cuento Científico ¡Imagino la Ciencia y te la Cuento!, donde se evidencia la apropiación de las habilidades lingüísticas, comunicativas y competencias lectoras, dentro de los lineamientos STEAM y habilidades para el siglo XXI; como resultado se obtiene la creatividad e imaginación de los niños de 16 instituciones educativas beneficiarias de la estrategia de Tecnoacademia Itinerante Boyacá, quienes, desde su perspectiva y diferentes vivencias, expresan el gusto por la lectura y la escritura, materializada en la construcción de cuentos que fueron leídos por un equipo de profesionales interdisciplinario y donde fueron seleccionados algunos cuentos y dibujos para esta publicación.El primer niño que fue a la luna -- El gran descubrimiento -- Hacia el futuro -- Un amor entre dos mundos -- La aventura de mis sueños -- La felicidad siempre nos espera -- Valiente valentina -- Un sueño perdido -- El científico loco -- El extraterrestre que quería vivir en la tierra -- El mejor líder -- Arkade un juego sin fin -- Experimento d-037 – Robotsing -- El viejo científico -- Fiesta en la luna -- El guardián del bosque -- 20 años de silencio -- Niveles de organización -- De los seres vivos -- Doña Lila y doña Justa -- Proyecto de inclusiòn -- Tecnoacademia “Pintando protejo la naturaleza”na123 página

    Venezuela's humanitarian crisis, resurgence of vector-borne diseases, and implications for spillover in the region.

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    In the past 5-10 years, Venezuela has faced a severe economic crisis, precipitated by political instability and declining oil revenue. Public health provision has been affected particularly. In this Review, we assess the impact of Venezuela's health-care crisis on vector-borne diseases, and the spillover into neighbouring countries. Between 2000 and 2015, Venezuela witnessed a 359% increase in malaria cases, followed by a 71% increase in 2017 (411 586 cases) compared with 2016 (240 613). Neighbouring countries, such as Brazil, have reported an escalating trend of imported malaria cases from Venezuela, from 1538 in 2014 to 3129 in 2017. In Venezuela, active Chagas disease transmission has been reported, with seroprevalence in children (<10 years), estimated to be as high as 12·5% in one community tested (n=64). Dengue incidence increased by more than four times between 1990 and 2016. The estimated incidence of chikungunya during its epidemic peak is 6975 cases per 100 000 people and that of Zika virus is 2057 cases per 100 000 people. The re-emergence of many vector-borne diseases represents a public health crisis in Venezuela and has the possibility of severely undermining regional disease elimination efforts. National, regional, and global authorities must take action to address these worsening epidemics and prevent their expansion beyond Venezuelan borders

    Conversaciones en twitter sobre educación en tiempos del Covid-19. Sentimientos, temas predominantes y usuarios influyentes

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    La pandemia del COVID-19 obligó a los sistemas educativos mundiales a enfrentar una situación sin precedentes, en la que docentes, estudiantes, procesos académicos y administrativos necesitaron pasar de forma inmediata, generalizada y sin preparación previa a los espacios virtuales. En este escenario, Twitter se convierte en una herramienta fundamental para poder lograr una visión lo más amplia posible de lo sucedido a través de los millones de personas que utilizan este espacio para comunicar sus vivencias, opiniones y sentimientos. Para ello es importante analizar la opinión de las personas que, a través de Twitter, hicieron oír su voz en relación con la educación en los tiempos del COVID-19, con el objeto de identificar los usuarios potencialmente más influyentes, las tendencias en los temas de interés y la polarización de la sociedad en torno a la educación en este particular momento de la historia. En el libro se examina el impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la educación, destacando cómo los cambios que se dieron en la enseñanza durante ese tiempo van a generar transformaciones en el sistema educativo y la sociedad. El análisis de los tuits reveló patrones significativos: La evaluación de sentimientos en los tuits resaltó una prevalencia de mensajes positivos, particularmente en momentos de implementación de medidas sanitarias y discusión sobre la evaluación estudiantil. Los temas más discutidos involucraban la salud, educación virtual y preocupaciones sociales. Los usuarios más influyentes se asociaron mayoritariamente con medios de comunicación. El estudio proporciona una visión detallada de las preocupaciones, los intereses y la dinámica de la influencia en el ámbito educativo durante la pandemia, subrayando la importancia de comprender estos fenómenos para impulsar cambios significativos en la educación.The COVID-19 pandemic forced global education systems to confront an unprecedented situation, in which teachers, students, academic and administrative processes needed to transition immediately, universally and without prior preparation to virtual spaces. In this scenario, Twitter becomes a fundamental tool to achieve the broadest possible insight into what happened, thanks to the millions of people who use this platform to share their experiences, opinions, and feelings. To do this, it is important to analyze the opinions of those who, through Twitter, voiced their concerns regarding education during the times of COVID-19, with the aim of identifying potentially influential users, trends in topics of interest, and societal polarization around education in this particular moment in history. The book examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education, highlighting how changes in teaching at this time will generate transformations in the educational system and in society itself. The analysis of tweets revealed significant patterns: Sentiment analysis of the tweets highlighted a prevalence of positive messages, particularly during the implementation of health measures, and discussions about student assessment. The most discussed topics involved health, virtual education, and social concerns. The most influential users were predominantly associated with the media. The study provides a detailed insight into the concerns, interests, and the dynamics of influence in education during the pandemic, emphasizing the importance of understanding these phenomena to drive significant transformations in education.CONTENIDO INTRODUCCIÓN ............................................................................................................ 7 CAPÍTULO UNO Contexto ...................................................................................................................... 9 CAPÍTULO DOS Perspectiva Teórica .................................................................................................... 25 2.1. Coronavirus COVID-19 ...................................................................... 27 2.2. Educación en tiempos del COVID-19................................................. 30 2.3. Twitter como sensor social.................................................................. 35 CAPÍTULO TRES Antecedentes de Investigación .................................................................................. 37 3.1. Medidas de control sanitario ............................................................... 41 3.2. Medidas públicas................................................................................. 43 3.3. Información ......................................................................................... 43 3.4. Temas Varios ....................................................................................... 45 CAPÍTULO CINCO Análisis de Datos....................................................................................................... 59 5.1.1. Nivel General ................................................................................... 61 Cantidad de usuarios que publican los tuits..................................... 62 Fuentes desde las que se publicaron los tuits................................... 63 Relaciones predominantes en los tuits ............................................. 64 Representación gráfica de la red de comunicación .......................... 65 Métricas generales de la red............................................................. 67 5.1.2. Nivel Individual................................................................................ 68 Centralidad de Grado (Degree Centrality) por período.................... 68 Usuarios con mayores valores de In-Degree por período ................ 69 Usuarios con mayores valores de Out-Degree por período ............. 70 Usuarios con mayores valores de Betweenness Centrality ............. 71 Usuarios con mayores valores de Closeness Centrality................... 73 Usuarios con mayores valores de Eigenvector Centrality................ 73 5.1.3. Nivel Grupos.................................................................................... 75 5.2. Tendencia de la polaridad de los sentimientos................................. 79 5.2.1. Tuits por sentimiento........................................................................ 79 5.2.2. Sentimientos en función del tiempo................................................. 80 5.2.3. Comparación de los sentimientos con otras variables...................... 83 Sentimiento y tipos de relaciones .................................................... 83 Sentimiento y retuits ........................................................................ 85 Sentimiento y Me gusta.................................................................... 87 CAPÍTULO CUATRO Metodología............................................................................................................... 49 5.1. Estructura de la red de comunicación .............................................. 61 Sentimiento y emojis........................................................................ 90 Sentimiento y Multimedia................................................................ 91 5.3. Tendencias en los temas de interés...................................................... 95 5.3.1. Tendencias en los temas de interés, asociados a las palabras con mayor frecuencia de uso............................................................ 95 Tuits positivos.................................................................................. 95 Tuits negativos ................................................................................. 97 Tuits neutros..................................................................................... 99 5.3.2. Sentimiento y hashtags................................................................... 100 5.3.4. Tendencia en el uso de dominios Web............................................ 102 5.4. Usuarios potencialmente más influyentes...................................... 106 5.4.1. Cantidad de usuarios únicos por período y por sentimiento .......... 107 5.4.2. Usuarios potencialmente más influyentes para cada tipo de sentimiento.. 108 5.4.3. Análisis de componentes principales (PCA).................................. 113 CAPÍTULO SEIS Conclusiones ........................................................................................................... 123 BIBLIOGRAFÍA........................................................................................................... 13

    Evolution over Time of Ventilatory Management and Outcome of Patients with Neurologic Disease∗

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe the changes in ventilator management over time in patients with neurologic disease at ICU admission and to estimate factors associated with 28-day hospital mortality. DESIGN: Secondary analysis of three prospective, observational, multicenter studies. SETTING: Cohort studies conducted in 2004, 2010, and 2016. PATIENTS: Adult patients who received mechanical ventilation for more than 12 hours. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Among the 20,929 patients enrolled, we included 4,152 (20%) mechanically ventilated patients due to different neurologic diseases. Hemorrhagic stroke and brain trauma were the most common pathologies associated with the need for mechanical ventilation. Although volume-cycled ventilation remained the preferred ventilation mode, there was a significant (p &lt; 0.001) increment in the use of pressure support ventilation. The proportion of patients receiving a protective lung ventilation strategy was increased over time: 47% in 2004, 63% in 2010, and 65% in 2016 (p &lt; 0.001), as well as the duration of protective ventilation strategies: 406 days per 1,000 mechanical ventilation days in 2004, 523 days per 1,000 mechanical ventilation days in 2010, and 585 days per 1,000 mechanical ventilation days in 2016 (p &lt; 0.001). There were no differences in the length of stay in the ICU, mortality in the ICU, and mortality in hospital from 2004 to 2016. Independent risk factors for 28-day mortality were age greater than 75 years, Simplified Acute Physiology Score II greater than 50, the occurrence of organ dysfunction within first 48 hours after brain injury, and specific neurologic diseases such as hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic stroke, and brain trauma. CONCLUSIONS: More lung-protective ventilatory strategies have been implemented over years in neurologic patients with no effect on pulmonary complications or on survival. We found several prognostic factors on mortality such as advanced age, the severity of the disease, organ dysfunctions, and the etiology of neurologic disease